JARGON SCENARIO (this is fictitious)

So the other day I was in a meeting and I was getting so frustrated.  Every idea that was being put out was either punted or shelved.  What is up with that? I’m already giving my 110% and I don’t know what else to leverage.  Personally, I think that there are too many moving parts to actually have the bleeding edge.  I’ve got to re-evaluate my spot in this company or at the very least check back to what my core competencies are and if they are aligned with this company.

Punt- give up on an idea, toss it out
Shelf- put on hold

Leverage- control or manipulate 

Too many moving parts- too many processes or employees

Bleeding edge- be ahead of the game of innovation 

Core competencies- what I do best, my main skills

Aligned- a good fit 

Don’t look in front of you at the insurmountable mountains, look behind you at the ones you have already conquered.
— Tara Carey, Founder of Art of English