Mevo Carmel is a new 250 acre Jewish-Arab industrial park being built jointly by the four communities located at the entrance to rte. 6 by Yokneam, the Megiddo Local Council, Daliyat al-Karmel and Isifiya.

The park is expected to attract logistics and production facilities that will serve as an extension to the Startup Village - Yokneam startup ecosystem.

Stage 1 has already begun on 135 acres of the park. You can find the owners of lots already sold at:

Table of the building lots. Taken from the Mevo Carmel web site.

Table of the building lots. Taken from the Mevo Carmel web site.

Lot divisions map from the Mevo Carmel web site.

Lot divisions map from the Mevo Carmel web site.

For more information on the Mevo Carmel industrial park, contact