Prepositions Reminder:
Prepositions can get confusing even for English speakers. Here is a friendly reminder to keep those little words in order.
I was born in February ------ GENERAL- the month
I was born on the 26th ------ is ------ SPECIFIC- the day
I was born on (a) Tuesday
I was in the north of Israel (not the south, not the center, etc.)
I was born at the hospital on February 26th. (We focus on the most specific)
I was born in July
I was born on the 24th
I was born on July 24th
THE- relates to something more specific. The best movie ever was The Sound of Music. Why is this ‘the’, because there are many movies out there and you are talking about a specific one.
I work at Gett in the finance department
I work at Sunday Sky in the creative department
I’m on the plane, sitting in my seat at the back of the plane.